This document presents an overview of the SOFF portfolio and its implementation progress. It builds on and complements the SOFF dashboard on the SOFF website.
It showcases the growth of SOFF portfolio since the first programming decision in November 2022 and includes a breakdown of the countries by regions and country groupings, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS).
SOFF has been delivering at speed and scale. Since the first programming decision in November 2022, 66 countries have been programmed to receive SOFF readiness support. Of the 60 countries with approved Readiness funding, 23 have completed the Readiness phase of which 13 countries have Investment phase funding requests approved. Additionally, five countries have received conditional approval for Investment funding, bringing the total approved budget to USD 115 million for Readiness and Investment support in less than two years of SOFF operations.