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Tackling the weather and climate data gap despite a funding gap – successful 8th Steering Committee

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Speedy work to tackle basic weather and climate data gap SOFF is delivering at speed and scale. Since June 2022, when SOFF opened its doors, already 66 countries are programmed to work with SOFF. The latest four, Niue, Cook Islands, Guinea and Sierra Leone have been approved at the 8th SOFF Steering Committee meeting (Decision […]

Read more from Tackling the weather and climate data gap despite a funding gap – successful 8th Steering Committee

More support for SOFF – additional USD 14.7 million for closing the basic weather and data gaps
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Tackling the weather and climate data gap despite a funding gap – successful 8th Steering Committee
More support for SOFF – additional USD 14.7 million for closing the basic weather and data gaps
More support for SOFF – additional USD 14.7 million for closing the basic weather and data gaps
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ECMWF supports SOFF to provide more weather observations
Weather and climate data for better early warnings
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