Tanzania: First meeting of Project Steering Committee for SOFF implementation

This article was written by and originally published by Tanzania Meteorological Authority.

Morogoro, Tanzania; 16th October 2024.                       

The Project Steering Committee (PSC) of the Systematic Observation Financing Facility (SOFF) Implementation in Tanzania held its first meeting on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 at Morena Hotel Morogoro, reviewing and approving tools and documents for efficient and effective implementation of the (SOFF) Project – investment phase in Tanzania in accordance with project objectives, budget and timeline.

During the opening session, the acting Director General of Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA), Permanent Representative of Tanzania with the world Meteorological  Organization (WMO) and the Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr. Ladislaus Chang’a thanked members of PSC for accepting to be part of the National Level SOFF – PSC, which will oversee the project Implementation in Tanzania, he also expressed his gratitude to the SOFF Secretariat and WMO for recommending Tanzania to be part of SOFF funding beneficiary.

”Your acceptance demonstrates your commitment to enhancing weather and climate data for resilience to support sustainable socio-economic development of the country, regional level and globally”. Emphasized Dr. Chang’a when addressing the members.

In addition, Dr. Chang’a said establishment of the SOFF project will address the data gap and international exchange of weather and climate data by providing technical and financial assistance to meet the Global Basic Observation Network (GBON) requirements.

Earlier on his remarks, the Resident Representative of United Nation Development Programme (UNDP) in the United Republic of Tanzania, Mr. Shigeki Komatsubara congratulated the TMA leadership and experts for their commitment to excellence that keep Tanzania at the forefront of climate adaptation and resilience effort.

He also emphasized that SOFF project will provide continuous operational and maintenance support for TMA and ensuring that Tanzania weather stations are effectively maintained long after the project has ended, Mr. Komatsubara insisted “UNDP is fully committed to this effort and stands ready to provide the necessary support to see this project through to its successful completion”.

On the other hand, the representative from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Ms. Clara Makenya underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing various environmental challenges, including in strengthening climate actions. She emphasized the need for ensuring the project implementation aligning with international standards and best practice since UNEP serves as a global leader in environmental governance, advocating for sustainable development.

SOFF is a fundamental component of the Early Warnings for All initiative, acting as a delivery mechanism that enables countries to meet GBON standards. In Tanzania, it represents a vital opportunity to enhance meteorological infrastructure. Spanning from July 2024 to December 2027, the project is set to invest approximately USD 9 million provided by the United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UNMTPF).

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