INF 10.1 SOFF Portfolio and Implementation Progress

This document presents an overview of the SOFF portfolio and its implementation progress, based on the data provided by operational partners in their semi-annual reports as of 31 January 2025. Additional disaggregated data is available on the SOFF dashboard on the SOFF website. SOFF has been delivering at speed and scale. Since the first programming decision in November 2022, 66 countries have been programmed to receive SOFF readiness support. Of the 60 countries with approved Readiness funding, 32 have completed the Readiness phase. To date, 13 countries have approved Investment phase funding requests. Additionally, five countries have received conditional approval for Investment funding, bringing the total approved budget to USD 115 million for Readiness and Investment support in less than two years of SOFF operations. The countries with approved Investment phase funding have made notable initial progress. Some of the key milestones include: (i) Project launches and inception workshops, including recent high-level events in Chad and Tanzania which was attended by its Prime Minister; (ii) Project Management Units (PMUs) were already established or are in the final stages of the recruitment process in five of the countries; and (iii) Procurement process has begun in three countries, which involves tendering, bid evaluation, and supplier engagement while one country has completed the process and is now awaiting delivery and installation. Detailed updates by countries disaggregated by output are included in the document. While significant progress has been made in strengthening the institutional and human capacity of the NMHS, some challenges are reported resulting in delays in some countries, particularly due to evolving political conditions and procurement challenges.


Information Steering Committee Document